Precious Metal Value Calculators
We can build a custom calculator, using your mathematical formula, and integrate the calculator into your new or existing website. The calculator is coded in PHP, so the mathematical formula that actually performs the calculations is not visible to your competition or your customers.
Dealers: For free online gold and silver price calculators that allow you to set your own payout rate, please visit our other sites:
Please note: The gold calculators below give the actual market value of the gold. We have developed these calculators for pawn shops, precious metals buyers, and jewelry stores across the U.S. and Canada. When we build your calculator, the value shown will reflect your actual payout. We can also add tiered payouts, at your request. For pricing, please scroll down.
Current Live Metal Prices in Troy Ounces: Gold - $2647.50 Silver - $30.52 Platinum - $924.00 Palladium - $936.00 (Prices are updated every minute - Refresh page to update prices)
Text-Style Calculator
Actual Market Value
Graphic Silver Calculator
Gold Price Graphic
Graphic Gold CalculatorEnter gold weights into one or more fields.
Weight Conversion Calculator
Free Calculators and Gold Price Chart. Simply copy and paste the code into your website. Custom calculator pricing is below.
Note: Ads will appear with these calculators.
Free Text Gold Calculator
<iframe width="400" height="260" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> |
Free Graphic Gold Calculator
<iframe src="" height="540" width="264" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> |
Free Graphic Silver Calculator
<iframe width="320" height="380" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" src=""></iframe> |
Free Price Chart
<iframe width="400" height="590" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" src=""></iframe> |
Free Weight Conversion Calculator
<iframe src="" height="360" width="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> |
Free Gold Price Graphic
<iframe src="" height="205" width="205" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> |
Free Solutions: Graphic Gold Calculator, Graphic Silver Price Calculator, Text Gold Calculator, Weight Conversion Calculator, Gold Price Graphic or Price Chart with no customization delivered via iframe - Free! Free iframe codes are below the Graphic Gold Calculator.
Hosted custom Solutions: Standard Graphic or Text Calculator, or Price Chart with live prices updated every minute, customized for your payout rate, and delivered via iframe - $25/ month Tiered pricing add $5/ month. (Tiered pricing is when you pay a higher percentage for larger quantities.) Custom Graphic displaying the current price - $10/ month. Your choice of Gold, Silver, Platinum, or Palladium. No link back to Darr Web Solutions.
Self-Hosted Solutions: We build your custom calculator to your specifications and provide the full source code with installation instructions. We can also install your custom calculator on your server. No link back to Darr Web Solutions. Priced from $500 and up, depending on your needs - please call us at (814) 723-4597. If you have a mathematical formula, we can build a calculator for it! We no longer offer self-hosted solutions for our precious metal calculators.
If you own a pawn shop, or buy gold, silver, or other precious metals, you need one of these calculators!
Imagine, for just a moment, that when a customer brings in an item. You weigh it, enter simple information, hit Calculate, and you have a perfect result every time. Not only that, but the information is displayed back to you, to confirm that your entries were correct. No punching buttons over and over on a calculator to double and triple-check your figures! Your customers can even use it from home to find out what you will pay for their gold or other precious metal.
*Disclaimer: The amount yielded by the calculator is based on the current scrap value. When selling coins and jewelry, condition and other factors may affect value. Market prices fluctuate throughout the day. |